Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Building Background Knowledge using a Scavenger Hunt

Goal: To increase student background knowledge before beginning a new novel
Objective: Students will be able to make at least 3 connections between their world and Costa Rica
ISTE NETS: Shown below in green

What I needed:
We are about to begin a new novel.  We all know what a crucial role background knowledge plays in a student's ability to comprehend when reading.  An easy place to start is the setting of the reading.  Our book is set in Costa Rica.  I could very easily give a quick lecture on Costa Rica with a slide show to help the students picture it.  In fact, maybe I'll follow it up with a quiz over my lecture to make sure they were listening, right?  (Haven't we all done this?) There is a better way! 

What we did:
One of the quickest ways to increase background knowledge is with a scavenger hunt.  The students worked in their groups of three (communication & collaboration) to complete the scavenger hunt.  We used GoogleEarth and started at our high school and then "went" to Costa Rica.  They had to find out basic info such as, Capital City name, typical foods, at least one bird sanctuary--there's a bird sanctuary in our book, etc. (research & information fluency)  They also had to decide on 3 pictures that they felt best represented Costa Rica. (Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making)

What I gave to the "captains" of each group:

I-Pad Scavenger Hunt

En su grupo busca:
1.)    en “google earth”, busca donde está el país de Costa Rica y que países están al lado de Costa Rica ________________________________________________________________
2.)    en “safari”, busca el capital de Costa Rica ________________________________________________________________
3.)    busca tres (3) fotos que mejor representan el país y su naturaleza ________________________________________________________________
4.)    encuentra (*find) un nombre de un “Bird Sanctuary” ________________________________________________________________
5.)    Da los nombres de la selva en Costa Rica (*Rainforest) ________________________________________________________________
6.)    Nombra las comidas típicas de Costa Rica ________________________________________________________________
7.)    Busca información sobre el “medio ambiente” (*environment) ________________________________________________________________

Comments I wish I had caught on video as my students were working:

  • "OH! I didn't know that Costa Rica was all the way down there."
  • "Hm, Mrs. Rivera, why are all the rooftops red in San Jose?" 
  • "Volcanos?  There are Volcanos in Costa Rica?"
  • How many different oceans does Costa Rica touch?  They must have a lot of beaches!"
You'll notice most of these quotes are questions!  Isn't it ALWAYS better to get more questions out of our students than just memorized answers?

Videos of what the class looked like:

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