Goal: To teach new vocab, provide visual reinforcements, maximize repetitions
Objective: The students will use iPads to take and label pictures of the new vocab structures.
What we did:
First, we went over some good examples of how to act out a vocab. word. This step is extremely important! The first time I did this activity I assumed that kids would automatically know what makes a good visual aid of a vocabulary word...I was very wrong. One group had a picture of one kid pointing angrily at another kid holding a notebook piece of paper with a picture of a sandwich on it for the vocab. structure "says". When I questioned how in the world that picture would help me remember that dice means "says" the kids replied, "Because the guys says make me a sandwich."
Students were given an ipad and 1 handout per group. We went over the top term/phrases for each set and they filled in the blank w/ the translation.
Then, after giving them very explicit expectations for not disrupting any other classes, they are set free for set amount of time (I highly recommend having a time keeper for each group to make sure they all come back on time). I make it clear that they come back at the assigned time regardless of if they have all the pictures done or not. It's a scavenger hunt, so they should get just as many as they can.
Students put the pictures into storykit and email me the finished product.
Here's an example of the handout:
Student Samples:
(although I wish I could say I was brilliant enough to have methodically planned this out)
After all groups have turned in their photos via an emailed link, I copy/paste each groups link into a poll on our class edmodo page. The homework is that the kids have to go on and use the poll to vote for which group they think had the best pictures to help us remember our vocab. They LOVED the competition and I accidently got them to look at the key structures that many more times and think critically about them--hm this one is/isn't a good depiction of such and such word.
I love it when an accident turns out awesome!